Teaching class at UNCG/SP 23 KIN 110
교원 평가는 너무나 무서워~Teaching class at UNCG/SP 23 KIN 110 2023. 5. 10. 06:03
이번 주 EdD 학생들의 proposal이 있어 보고 왔다. 관심 있는 주제들의 프로포절을 보면서 무엇이 부족하고 저것이 아쉬운지 신나게 비평했다. 지도교수님이 비평보다는 잘하고 있다는 말을 계속하는 것에도 속으로 못마땅해하며 나는 날카롭다고 혼자 뿌듯해하고 있었다. 그러던 중, 이번 학기 가르친 수업의 교원 평가가 날라왔다. 좋은 마음으로 파일을 열었고 나쁜 이야기가 쓰여있지도 않았다. 분명히 좋은 결과를 받았고 서술형으로 쓰여있는 결과에도 긍정적인 이야기를 받았다. 그럼에도... 한 답변이 마음에 걸린다. "다음에도 이 강사가 가르치는 수업을 듣고 싶은가?"는 질문에 "strongly disagree"를 선택한 단 한 명의 답변을 보며 씁쓸한 마음을 느꼈다. 나는 이 수많은 좋은 결과 속에 아주 작은..
Final reflective essayTeaching class at UNCG/SP 23 KIN 110 2023. 4. 26. 22:14
Students' essay about their learning in KIN110. (by the guidance of this instruction) From the beginning of the course, I knew it would be different than any other course activity I've taken. Although this class was an 8 am activity course, instructor Lee made this class enjoyable as well as stimulating from start to end. From the warm-ups to the drills exercises, instructor Lee ensured we were ..
Final reflective essay exam for ultimateTeaching class at UNCG/SP 23 KIN 110 2023. 4. 11. 22:33
Our final exam is to look back on your own learning process and record your thoughts. Learning is completed with self-reflection. Technically, KIN110 course had three sections: 1) skills development, 2) game and self/peer assessment, and 3) group teaching. Each session had a different but sequential objective and rationale. When it comes to learning a new sport or physical activity, having a set..
Ultimate student teaching_Teaching is an effective strategy to learn betterTeaching class at UNCG/SP 23 KIN 110 2023. 4. 4. 22:45
Teaching is an effective way to learn better. Below are the two announcements that I sent to my students to explain the group teaching sessions. Let's move on to the next level. (meet at the gym) Hello everyone, Wishing you all is well with you during this beautiful season. We have just completed the Game performance 1 test, and it's now time to move on to the next level. As this is the only Ult..
1. Prep to teach Ultimate in collegeTeaching class at UNCG/SP 23 KIN 110 2022. 12. 29. 00:37
Second semester. It is time to develop my class from just joining a game to being soaked in this sport. In order to do that, the spirit of the game would be the key point. How it is addressed and in turn brings a deeper reflection will make a difference, not to mention the skill development. This is a college-level class that should go beyond simply doing and getting credits. My preparation will..