GetawayEssay/Preference 2024. 3. 9. 12:11
The digital age has led us unbalanced. We are not just connected; we are suffering from social and technology overload. We rarely experience the joy of solitude and the respite of the nature. We are always on; we never turn off. The first paragraph of the book, How to Get Away, clarifies the rationale of the Getaway house. No more justification is needed. It was persuasive enough to deep dive in..
영어 타자 연습 추천 typeRacerEssay/Preference 2023. 6. 17. 08:02
장점 - 간편, 경쟁성 활용 TypeRacer - the global typing competition Race against live opponents typing quotes from books, movies, and songs. 토플을 준비하면서 타자가 느려서 글을 쓰는데 어려움이 있을 수 있다는 글을 읽은 후부터 사용한 타자 연습 사이트. 타자 속도 때문이 아닌 줄은 알고 있었지만, 심심하면 들어가서 하던 게 꽤나 지속됐다. 손가락의 위치를 추천해 주며 연습하게 하는 사이트, 다운로드해서 다양한 기능을 활용할 수 있었던 프로그램, 명언을 지속적으로 반복해서 영어 공부도 같이 할 수 있게 한다는 사이트 등 다양한 타자 연습을 활용해 봤지만 역시나 가장 효과적이었던 ..
What do you do when you intend to take a break?Essay/Preference 2023. 3. 16. 06:40
The picture below includes 50 ways to take a break. One thing for sure is there is no scrolling down a small screen. I just wanted to save this picture hoping that I can find it later and use some of those examples. No cell phone. No Instagram. No Youtube. There are many options that I can refer to. Time to get out of the small screen.
Jin-ah Kwon_this voiceEssay/Preference 2022. 11. 11. 02:58
Her voice is powerful to stop my moment, putting me into another daydream. (It's a secret that I am always daydreaming these days if I have a single small chance.) Her voice is like comforting my life, telling me you are not the only one. It is good to have something I am consoled.
Beautiful Weather_GreensboroEssay/Preference 2022. 8. 9. 06:59
Blue sky with super clear air. Nothing hinds your view. Feel so much better rather than the time I was surrounded by buildings everywhere. You can't believe how beautiful the weather in place has. Compared to S.Korea? That's a real mistake. You don't even dare put two things on the same line. Ridiculous. One of the reasons I started to prepare for the process was the weather in Korea. Fine dust ..
Drowiningintheshallow_Found amazing PE blogEssay/Preference 2022. 7. 5. 22:17
drowningintheshallow PE, Youth Sport and Physical Activity What?!!! Really?????!!!!!!!! It's an absolutely insane blog I have ever read so far. That's the blog I've dreamt to build. What makes the blog special are; 1. About Me_drowning in the shallow I just could not say anything but... Woah.... What a wonderful and impact short story that implies how other tea..