"A survival story from America" at Taiwan teacher communityAs a Teacher/Presentation 2023. 6. 28. 22:46
A wonderful chance sharing my experience to teachers from Taiwan.
En-hwa, a visiting scholar in UNCG, invited me to her teacher community for sharing my experience about teaching PE in English. POV, Taiwan recently stared to adopt bilinguar policy to teach PE in school. Both teachers and students are worried to use English, which is asked to find good cases. Even though I am not a positive side using another language to teach PE, I could share my perspective and experience as a teacher who had to teach students in Enlgish. I prepared and presented it in the hope of offering some insights.
Format: Three 20 mins presentations & 1 hour discussion with presentators.
Participant: PE teachers in TaiwanPE teaching & bilingual teaching seminar Presentation slides Presentation slides.6.28..pdf3.30MB