
  • 11. What is fun?
    Teaching class at UNCG/FA 22 HEA 201 at Middle College 2022. 10. 17. 12:30

    What is fun????

    There were three words that I emphasized in this class; Fun, Collaboration, and Challenging. Students were asked to make their missions with these three words. Once they finished the mission, a Group discussion follows regarding three words one by one. I was frustrated when we started to discuss 'collaboration' because they didn't expect to discuss it and I wasn't able to articulate the concept. In order to avoid a similar situation, I started to make a handout.

    It is getting clearer that I had no clear vision or pathway to achieve the goal. Not because these concepts are polysemous but because I am not used to facilitating discussions. I thought that my teaching experiences will work if things go well, if anything, it became just turned out that I have only relied on authority or made full use of admired customs towards a teacher. A class and the route for achievement should be more carefully dealt with. (Yes, I don't want to use any excuse that my teaching was only about physical activities.)

    It took quite a while to make this handout. What sorts of questions need to be asked? How about an order of questions? All things should be organized to elicit better answers. This handout decides to focus on the shared definition of 'fun'. This seems self-explanatory but it is getting difficult when we think about it more.

    Let's see what they think about it. Let's see how they react to this handout.  


A journey of Physical Educator