Collaborative Problem-solving with badminton, 2nd half, 2021(in progress)As a Teacher/Teaching Experience 2021. 9. 18. 18:56
Collaborative problem-solving competency is the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process whereby two or more agents attempt to solve a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come to a solution and pooling their knowledge, skills and efforts to reach that solution. (PISA, 2015)
My 2nd half physical education lessons for 10th graders concentrated on collaborative problem-solving competency(let's set aside the controversial justification of physical education as a school subject.) We learn and play badminton though, the key point of my lessons is to improve competency about cooperation against difficulties to achieve a goal in a team.
Yes, you are right. Physical educators have done the exact same thing so far.
Almost all sports have to play together. Collaboration is not an unfamiliar word to sportspeople. And experienced physical education teachers well exert their ability to teach cooperative value during lessons.But, at the same time, we used to cling to experiences.
We, as PE teachers or sports players, have gone through countless situations explaining why teamwork is important and how it works, which instills into PE lessons because the experiences were invaluable to the point where it helps to decide to be a teacher. Although the most beautiful part of teaching is handing down the essence that our society has accumulated, I thought former experiences could be both an effective source and negative bias. I, as a teacher who keeps doubts on myself, am not able to be satisfied teaching only with the experience I have. Evidence- and theory-based teaching was required at this point.PISA: Collaborative problem-solving
Lucky to have a world like this. I have unlimited information, searching the internet with just one click of a button. There are always people walked through ahead of me. Efforts to find the essential future competencies and to evaluate the current students' capability with regard to collaborative problem-solving competency were written in this paper. This article allows me to realize what it is, why it is important, and how it could be evaluated. In particular, the matrix of collaborative problem-solving skills for PISA 2015(Table 7.1, below) would help me the way to organize my lessons.Each component of the matrix was to be a specific element in the badminton lessons. My lessons were organized and planned based on the components, and then shared at the orientation lesson. Students have been informed of the procedures and the ultimate goal of this semester's lessons. I am not sure how much they are interested and understood, so it will be spoken again and again.
Below are the slides that I used in the first class, which includes WHY, Pros&Cons, Problem-solving procedure, Collaborative components, Evaluation matrix, and how the lessons go.
Full slides(more slides will be added as the lessons go on) are here.협력적 문제해결 배드민턴 랠리 수업 과정.pdf0.29MB