
  • 4. Two in one_knowledge and activities for Health Education
    Teaching class at UNCG/FA 22 HEA 201 at Middle College 2022. 8. 14. 04:37

    Dr. Dyson recommended we place Social and Emotional Learning(SEL) into the key part of Health Education(HE) in secondary education settings. After the long tunnel of the contagious virus, students have been still struggling and expressing social and emotional problems. In the terms of overall individual health, health education lessons concentrated in SEL are strongly required, along with the fact that there is insufficient research in Middle college. In addition, physical activities would be the helpful method to touch the SEL domains. Considering the fact that teachers, YJ and I, are familiar with physical activities, using physical activities to teach HE courses seems a good idea.

    A traditional method for HE is classroom teaching with a bunch of knowledge in textbooks. Many Americans have experienced relatively low-quality classes due to indifference to practically learning about health issues and fewer academic requirements. Especially, when it comes to SEL domains in health, textbook reading and assignments in a classroom have not been easy to become students' life skills to use in a variety of circumstances. The more opportunities students work together, the better possibilities they are likely to exercise 5 SEL skills in a real-life situation. That is where activities come into play in HE.

    However efficient the presented method is, there is a strong recommendation and regulation to teach in health education, NC essential standards. Building a course from scratch and changing it completely against the way it was would not be a good idea. YJ and I decided to compromise two different ideas, dividing the course into two sections. The first part will look similar to traditional health education, studying with a textbook and discussions. The other part will be coopeartive activities including physical movements. This strategy would afford for students to make use of two different parts of health education.

    Thanksfully, we had an access to several HEA 201 courses for undergraduates in UNCG. The courses has a variety of resourses since many of them were asyncronous due to Covid. Below is the captured image of modules. 

    So.... How can me make our course?!


A journey of Physical Educator